how we help

Make a Difference in the Lives of Children

Who We are

Our Goal

How It Works

We're a non-profit organization founded by a passionate group united by a common dream: ensuring every child enjoys an equal opportunity in life. Our belief in the transformative power of education propels us forward. Education has been our guiding light, paving the way for us to pursue our dreams and create a positive influence in the lives of others. Our steadfast mission is to empower children through clear vision, emphasizing that their aspirations should never be constrained by the limitations of eyesight. Together, we strive to illuminate brighter paths and create a world where every child's potential can shine.

Our goal is rooted in the conviction that every child, irrespective of their background, deserves equitable access to proper healthcare. No child should face limitations due to their vision, settling for a lesser future because they feel their eyesight defines their life's course. While we recognize the challenges of reshaping entire systems,  we are unwavering in our commitment and with your help we can make a change. Our dedication is clear: to give our all, beginning with one classroom, one school, ensuring that each child stands on an equal playing field in their educational journey. Our aim is to create a ripple effect, impacting one school at a time, creating a brighter and more inclusive future for all.

Your assistance and generous contributions play a crucial role in our mission. We collaborate closely with local eye clinics in each community, establishing partnerships that enable us to conduct comprehensive vision screenings for children. These screenings are instrumental in identifying those who may require corrective measures. Thanks to your support, we go beyond identification – we provide a tangible difference in the lives of these children. For those in need, we supply quality eyeglasses, ensuring that no child is hindered by poor vision. Together, we're making a lasting impact on the future of these young individuals, fostering a brighter and clearer world for them to explore

Our Approach

Clear Vision, Lasting Impact

Our approach is founded on collaboration with local leaders and educators to understand and address the unique needs of each community, starting in Bharoda, Gujarat. Together, we aim to develop solutions that create a lasting impact, starting with improving access to clear vision for children in underserved areas.


We measure our success not only by the number of schools we reach, but by the lasting impact we have on the lives of the children and communities we serve.


We aim to work closely with local leaders, educators, and supporters to ensure that our efforts are effective and sustainable, forging partnerships that amplify our mission


We aim to educate about the significance of early vision correction, encouraging them to seek help when needed, knowing it's a step towards a brighter future.

Bringing the World Together

The Power of Vision

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Approximately 11 out of 100

school-going children experience

refractory errors 1

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A systematic review encompassing 25,552 children in India indicated spectacle correction lead to enhanced cognitive and educational well-being, along with improvements in psychological health and overall quality of life.

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